Visualization of process memory

Visualization of process memory

I started a new multi-player game, after a while I wondered about the game’s memory and what is kept in it. I know one strategy is to visually represent process’ memory as pixels. Take a byte from a memory and associate it with a 8bit color or take 4 bytes and create an ARGB color. There are many tools to read or write memory (Cheat Engine), but that felt to easy and I would not learn much.

.NET Core Solution of multiple projects

.NET Core is using file-system to organize projects. Sometimes the working project is getting quite big and it makes sense to organize it in multiple sub-folders. The problem what I encountered was with the local dependencies. In .NET and Visual Studio it is straight forward to reference projects across a solution. There is something similar in .NET Core - it is global.json file, which acts as a solution for organizing multiple projects.

Moving from C# to Java

I have been working with C# for a while now, but now a new project came written in Java and it is time to switch languages. Both languages are quite similar and in same time there are many differences. In this post I noted down few high level differences.

Creating a custom serialization class

Sometimes it is not enough to mark a whole class as serializable, quite often a class will have .net internal type that is not serializable, for example XmlDocument. In such case we need a wrapper class that is derived from ISerializable interface.

.NET Object Serialization

Have you ever wanted to send an object across application domains, save the object as a file or send it over the Internet to completely different service - then object serialization is for you. Serialization offers a way to describe object’s state(data) in a way that is understandable by other components. For example, object can be transformed into a XML or a Soap document, will get into output formats latter on.